SOI Mission statement

Shepherd of Israel Ministries Inc. is dedicated to catalysing and facilitating Disciple Making Movements, first among the descendants of Abraham: The children of Israel and the Children of Ishmael, and then from Jerusalem to the ends of the earth.

SOI Vision:

We first and foremost seek to Glorify God and exalt Messiah as we demonstrate and proclaim Good tidings to ”the Jew first and then to the Gentile“, developing resources and programs, cultivating, training, equipping and sending people to obey and accomplish Messiah Yeshua’s commands and the Great Commission.

We are dedicated to catalysing and facilitating Disciple-Making Movements (DMM) and watching them grow and multiply into micro-congregations and forming networks across the unreached people groups in Israel and the region (Jewish, Muslim, Catholic and Druze people). We are committed to training and equipping disciples to make other disciples, who will form and reproduce house congregations exponentially as in the book of Acts.

This translates to simple, reproducible and sustainable methods such as training ordinary people to walk with God and have an extraordinary impact on their society for the Kingdom of God. We do this by teaching people how to get together and share “Yeshua stories”, “Yeshua parables”, and other scripture stories and from them, to recognise and apply Kingdom truths and principles in daily life.

We aim to follow Yeshua’s directives in Matthew 10 and Luke 10: entering new areas to find persons of peace, going into their houses (Oikos), praying for the sick and proclaiming that the kingdom has come near; teaching them to bring their whole social structure with them into this kingdom and covenant, and to go and do the same.

We believe hands-on training and modeling are the best methods of disciple-making. We believe that such close, organic discipleship is essential to bringing spiritual health to the body of Messiah by confronting them with the reality of the power of the Gospel in and through the believer, in order to reach their communities.

Our home is in Israel and it is always our primary focus, yet while we work to show our own people that Yeshua is our long awaited for Messiah, we promote taking the Gospel to the ends of the earth, and by doing so we hope to model and encourage our people Israel to fulfill our prophetic destiny to be a light to the world, and be the life from the dead Paul speaks about in Romans 11.

Our ministry name: Shepherd of Israel comes from Psalms 80 – the prayer for God who dwells in the midst of the cherubim to SHINE FORTH and COME DOWN HERE, especially to Israel and for a youth revival amongst Ephraim, Benjamin, and Menashe.