Here is a partial list of endorsements from recognized international and Israeli leaders, for more information and endorsements, please use the “contact” link above to contact us:

Dr. Michael Brown.
30 Aug 2018

“Yariv is an unashamed witness for the gospel in Israel and abroad, sharing the love of Yeshua in the power of the Spirit, and doing it together with his family. I believe God’s hand is on his life!”

Dr. Michael L. Brown – ICN Ministries

Scott Volk
31 Aug 18

I’ve known Yariv Goldman for nearly 20 years and I’ve watched this man walk through both highs and lows in his life.  I have been blessed by the dedication that he has to the Lord and believe that he has been called, by His Messiah, to be a light to both Israel as well as the Nations of the world.

Scott Volk – Together For Israel

Rabbi Itzhak Shapira
02 Sep 18

“Yariv Goldman represent the salt of the earth in what Messianic Judaism stands for. Ahavat Yisrael and the love of the Messiah.  His understanding and passion towards the house of Yisrael makes him a prime candidate to be used in a great capacity to establish the kingdom of G-D”

Rabbi Itzhak Shapira – Ahavat Ami